Explore a collection of collages and paintings that blend recycled materials with drawing and painting techniques, creating unique and reflective compositions. Each work is a visual palimpsest revealing hidden stories and layers of meaning, inviting you to discover the beauty in the discarded.

  • Ecological Renaissance

  • Nature's Fragments

  • Echoes of History

  • Urban Textures

  • Contemporary Reflections

Transformative Works

Discover more in the gallery and find the piece that resonates with you.

What People Are Saying

Art in Your Everyday Life

Bring sustainability into all aspects of your life with Bellante Art's works. From original paintings to prints and books, each piece is designed to combine functionality and aesthetics, promoting a conscious and environmentally respectful lifestyle.

Original Paintings



Digital Collages


Work info

Explore our works and add a touch of art to your daily routine.